Thursday, January 20, 2011

USDD Event in Mumbai - Success 1

USDD Event in Mumbai on 26th December 2010 went well. All attendees enjoyed every detail of the event from 10 am to 7 pm.

Photos at Amulakh Amichand Vidyalaya, Matunga (10 am to 1 pm)

Anantadev Das (Right), President of USDD and
Aqil Chinoy, Chairman of USDD Event

Shri Anantadev's Lecture on Bhagavad-Gita

Play on 'Face to Face with God'

From left to right: Shri Hasmukhbhai Shah (Secretary of Amulakh Amichand Vidyalaya)
Shri Pravinbhai Shah (President of the school), Shri Anantadev,
Shri Anup Rao (former General Manager of Rallis India Ltd) and Shri Aqil Chinoy

Shri Gopal Motwani (Committee Member) is giving a short lecture on 'Donkey in the Well'

Anantadev is lecturing on the importance of going to a temple
 & chanting Hare Krishna


Smt Smita Kothari is lecturing on Deaf Women Rights

Shri Dhananjaya Paranjaype (Photography Convener) is lecturing on 'Love vs Anger'

USDD Event in Mumbai - Success 2

USDD event was shifted from Amulakh Amichand Vidyalaya to SNDT auditorium nearby at 2.30 pm. It lasted till 7 pm

Drama on 'Chaitanya and Two Criminals'

Spiritual Match-Maker arranged by Aqil and Nisha for 20 deaf delegates

Drama on 'Roles of 4 Wives in your Life'

Drama on 'Tail'

Vicky Shah's Presentation on Deaf Gain

USDD Event in Mumbai - Success 3

Winners of ISL Group Contest with Shri Anantadev and Aqil

Drama on 'Auction'

Parag Shah's presentation on 'Sign n Talk'

Drama Participants with certificates

From left to right Jaisal Shah (Jury), Anantadev, Aqil, Dhananjaya (Jury) & Vicky Shah (Jury)

Committee Members, Assistants & Volunteers

Mr. Pascal from France, one of the few foreign delegates, is collecting gifts
during Spiritual Lucky Dip


Interpreter Mansi Shah

There is only one interpreter Mansi at USDD Event. Yet she did her fine job from morning to evening  as an interpreter.

Mansi Shah (left) is interpreting in signs what Chief Guest Shri Pravinbhai Shah is speaking