Sunday, June 20, 2010


Shri Anantadev Das had been the founder of Hare Krishna Welfare Association for the Deaf and Sanatana Dharma for the Deaf for many years. Both of them were unregistered. Finally he had Universal Sanatana Dharma (USD) registered in Bangalore, India in April 2007. Universal Sanatana Dharma for the Deaf (USDD) is one of wings of USD.

The objectives of USD are as follows:

- To spread spiritual knowledge among the people at large and educate them in the techniques of spiritual life to help them to maintain the balance of values in life and to achieve harmony, unity and peace in the world.
- To strive for the activities for Universal Sanatana Dharma for the Deaf : cultural, educational, social and spiritual
- To give the people opportunities to cultivate healthy and non-sectarian faith in the values of Sanatana Dharma based on Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam
- To erect a prayer/meditation centres and halls.
- To hold satsang (spiritual gathering) and discourses on values of Sanatana Dharma.
- To promote all activities that promotes communal harmony and peaceful co-existence.
- To organize food distribution programme among the needy.
- To offer help and co-operation for the victims of natural calamities and disasters.
- To offer support for renovation of the historical places, ancient ruins and temples.
- To co-operate with those who have responsibilities to protect cows.
- To provide medical relief and aid to the public especially the needy and old.
- To encourage traditional Indian system of Ayurveda and Naturopathy.
- To publish, promote and sell literature books conducive to the ideals of Sanatana Dharma
- To maintain all other activities which implement the aims of the Trust.


  1. Good attempt, rather I would say good begining.

  2. Wonderful venture that sets in motion a spiritual revolution and spiritual awareness in the Deaf Community not in the country but around the world. The value of spiritualism is a beckon of peace and happiness and above worldly glory.

